Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I was just going to tell everyone about this great band that i love to listen to. Its the praise band at my church Bayou Sara Baptist Church and the bands name is Full Service. If you want to listen to a song they have recorded( i don't know how the quality of it is ) you can go to my myspace and it is one of my songs. Here is a picture of the guys.From the left Travis Willard(Bass), Be hide the Couch is Freddie Taul(Drums), Daniel O'Neal(Electric Guitar), On the couch is Chad Jenkins(Keyboard),Tyler Clanton(Lead Guitar), Brandon Little(Acoustic Guitar. I love these guys.:)

1 comment:

BrandyYeager said...

Hey, yeah I remember you! Yeah this class seems easy enough, so I'm happy about that. Anyways it was good to hear from you, talk to you later!