Monday, February 5, 2007

Blogging in Schools

I think that this technology with computers has come so far and kids already know more than adults to any way I think that if used and monitored correctly that it could be a very useful tool. I will definitely try to incorporate it into the way that i teach.
I think that blogging in schools and using the internet can be very useful. I think it is a grat opprotunity. I think that it will be very useful when Im teach because at the beginning over the school year i can give my students and parents a blogger link and they can talk back and forth with me and i can tell the parents if there is a problem and i need to talk with them or if there is great news concerning their child.
As, for the child if they have probems on a homework assignment they and send me a message and i can answer them at home. There are so many ways that we could make this work if we all embrass it and moniter it made sure that there is not obseen things being said or done on there. And also the kids would be able to ask each other for help or just get to know one another. I think it is great.

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