Sunday, February 11, 2007

Blogging in Schools Part II

I think this is what Dr. Strange is wanting Teacher Blogs. This site is pretty cool it seem to me like the teacher are able to talk back and forth to one another. For example, a new teacher can get on a talk to an experienced teacher across the nation and get different ideas that seems pretty cool to me. This next site I really like it seem very safe and fun for students and teachers. It has all the safety features on it like the words and phrases filter and anything from a URL or picture that just seem suspicious it has to get administrative approval. I think it could work and I'm definitely going to keep this site for future references. Here's the web site Gaggle Blogs .


Anonymous said...

That's neat...I haven't seen anything like that.

Amber Lindeen said...

Hey this is Amber and I was assigned to comment on your website because you are the person who is to my right.I really enjoyed your website.It was very colorful and too love Disney movies.When I viewed your website in Moxzilla there were no red markings which indicated that no corrections needed to be made. Good job!!! My favorite Disney movie is the Little Mermaid. Have a great day!!!